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links to
institutions with collections of islamic ceramics |
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links to ceramic-related sites | |
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links to sites
related to islamic art / studies |
back to frontispiece |
(listed alphabetically by museum name)
Ashmolean Museum,
Oxford Links to the Collections page. |
Benaki Museum,
Athens This museum has an extensive collection of early Islamic ceramics, as published by Helen Philon. Click on the forward arrows at the bottom of the page to view thumbnails of some of them. |
British Museum,
London Link to the Home Page of the Dept. of Oriental Antiquities. |
Chester Beatty
Library, Dublin ![]() The collection mainly consists of illuminated manuscripts, though it includes some objects. |
Corning Museum of
Glass, New York The close technical relationship between ceramic and glass production makes this an interesting visit, as does the current exhibition on Islamic glass (join with the Metropolitan Museum). |
Davids Samling /
The David Collection, Copenhagen ![]() Mainly a collection of C18th art from Europe and Denmark, this institution also houses a small but important collection of art works from the Islamic world, ranging from Spain to India, and dating from the 7th-19th centuries. There are several recent acquisitions, and this website is brand new and very navigable - click on a country to see its art! |
University of
Durham Oriental Museum ![]() The only museum in the United Kingdom entirely devoted to the art and archaeology from cultures throughout the Orient, the Durham Oriental Museum has a small but important collection of Islamic Ceramics, which is sadly not that well represented on this website. |
Freer & Sackler
Galleries, Washington The National Museum of Asian Art for the U.S., at the Smithsonian. (Note: This site requires Flash 5.0, which it will prompt you to install) CURRENT EXHIBITION (continuing indefinitely): Fountains of Light: Islamic Metalwork from the Nuhad Es-Said Collection & Visual Poetry: Paintings and Drawings from Iran (until 5 May 2002) |
Hermitage, St
Petersburg Links to the page highlighting 'Islamic Art from the countries of the Near East'. |
Institut du Monde
Arabe, Paris ![]() Link to the page detailing this institute's museum of traditional and contemporary Islamic Art. You can also look back at past exhibitions. (This site is in French only). CURRENT EXHIBITION (23 Oct-10 March 2002): L'Orient de Saladin: Aux temps des Ayyoubides |
Khalili Collection
of Islamic Art Sadly this is not an extensively illustrated site, but gives much interesting info on Nasser D. Khalili's huge collection, as well as on the catalogue publications. |
Louvre, Paris This site is not extensive on the Museum's collections, though you can 'virtually' visit the Mamluk gallery (you need a QuickTime 4 plug-in, which you can download). |
Museum, New York Link to the Home Page of the Islamic Art collections. |
Museum of Islamic
Ceramics, Cairo Egypt's new museum, dedicated to Islamic Ceramics. Also see: http://www.touregypt.net/islamicceramics.htm |
Museum für
Islamische Kunst, Berlin This site gives only brief details of the collection. |
Royal Ontario
Museum, Canada Use the search function to find details of the museum's Islamic collections, though these are not well-illustrated. |
Tareq Rajab Museum,
Kuwait Follow the 'Ceramics' link and you will come to an excellent section written by Dr Géza Fehervári on the Museum's extensive collection of Islamic ceramics (sadly not illustrated). Now with embryonic photo gallery and slide show. |
V&A, London A very flashy website - follow the 'Explorer' link and you can take a virtual tour of the Museum, but not much of the Islamic collection is illustrated. |
PotWeb The Ashmolean Museum's ongoing project to create an online catalogue of the ceramic collections. |
Ashmolean Museum
Links Page links to online museums, archaeological websites, and info on Oxfordshire. |
Ceramics Research
Project Resources A handy list of web links on ceramics from all cultures, compiled for the use of the Chico High School, CA, USA. |
Clay Station A searchable site which seeks to unite all ceramic-related resources on the internet. |
The Ceramic Review The magazine of the Craft Potters Association, read around the world by potters, students, enthusiasts and collectors. |
Ceramics Monthly An internationally distributed magazine on ceramic art and craft. |
The CeramicsWeb A resource for those interested in the practical application of ceramic techniques. |
Pottery Making An online journal which tells you how to make pottery. |
Nick Caiger-Smith The son of Alan Caiger-Smith, and also a potter using the lustre technique. |
The UK Ceramics
Gallery Promotes contemporary work by studio potters working in the UK. |
The Crafts Council
of Great Britain The UK's national organisation for the promotion of contemporary crafts. |
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture |
Al-Bab.com A gateway to all cultural aspects of the Arab world. This link should take you straight to the section on Islamic Art and Architecture. |
Al-Khazina A Princeton-hosted interactive database for the study of Islamic culture. Click on 'Resources' for a huge number of links to sites on everything related to the Islamic world. |
ArchNet An online community for architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects, and scholars, with a special focus on the Islamic world. Features an excellent digital library - including Muqarnas online - and resource directory. |
ArRum A social and professional "hub" promoting "halal living", including Islamic art and culture. |
The Barakat Trust A charitable foundation which provides financial support for students and scholars of Islamic culture. |
Cloudband.com A site dedicated to carpets, textiles, Asian and tribal art. |
Colorado College, Class Web Pages in Islamic Art Professor Ruth Kolarik's online notes for her class in Islamic Art history (follow link to 'Syllabus'). This site also has some good links to other Islamic Art sites ('Web Links'). |
"Flowers of
Silk and Gold": Four Centuries of Ottoman Embroidery Illustrated highlights of a beautiful exhibition held in 2000 at The Textile Museum, Washington. |
Fondation Max van
Berchem Founded in honour of the first scholar of Arabic epigraphy, Max van Berchem (1863-1921), this Foundation finances archaeological excavations, research projects - especially those related to epigraphy - and studies in Islamic art and architecture, as well as serving as a documentation centre for Arabic epigraphy. Click on 'Publications' and you can read some online abstracts of articles published in their annual Bulletin. |
HALI ![]() Hali (the Turkish word for 'carpet') has been the leading bi-monthly publication on carpets and textiles for the last 20 years. The magazine also often features short articles on Islamic art, and exhibition reviews. These are not available online, but the site gives details of back issues. |
Internet Islamic
History Sourcebook Hundreds of online texts relating to Islamic History. |
H-Islamart An e-mail discussion forum aimed at promoting communication and scholarly cooperation among persons and organisations concerned with the study of Islamic Art. |
Islamic Arts &
Architecture Organization (IAAO) A non-profit organization dedicated to providing information on Islamic arts and architecture. Click on the squares on the right-hand side of the Home Page for links to featured articles. |
The Institute of Ismaili Studies |
Middle East Studies
Association of North America (MESA) Organizes a massive international conference every autumn on all aspects of Islamic world studies. CALL FOR PAPERS for next year's conference in Washington D.C. - deadline is Feb 15 2002 |
Near Eastern
Studies Programme (NESP) Aims to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary exchange within Oxford University and to encourage communication and co-operation between scholars of Near Eastern Studies, in a range of disciplines, including history, archaeology, religious studies, literature, linguistics, anthropology, geography and art. |
The Raqqa Ancient
Industry Project This site gives some brief details about the ongoing excavations at Raqqa in Syria. |
I aim to keep this page as up-to-date as
possible, so if you would like to suggest a link to a ceramics-related site which could be included here, or advise that any of this information should be changed, please email: IslamicCeramics@ashmus.ox.ac.uk. last updated: mro/24-jan-2002 |